| Contributor: The Grimace Region: Cincinnati, Ohio Rating: Cute Notes: Along with his inexplicably hilarious trademark exclamation, "Nookie noo," Chubby was a staple of the repertoire of Trevor Phelps, the undisputed class clown at Covedale Elementary in the early 80s. No one knows where he learned it- he apparently wasn't the originator, as I've long since discovered at least one other person who knew a slightly different version of it- but his delivery was awesome. No one else even attempted to imitate Trevor's flawless performance. Trevor, man- where are you now? Whenever I run into someone who went to Covedale or Walnut Hills with us, your name always comes up. Heck, even my mom asks about you! Hi, my name's Chubby. My mom's chubby, my dad's chubby, heck- even my dog's chubby! One day, my mama said to me, "Chubby, why don't you never smile?" And I said, "I can smile Mama, see?" [At this point the speaker tries to smile with cheeks still tightly squeezed.] |