Milk Milk
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King Kong
Mama Mia
Milk Milk
One Fine Morning
When I Die
Contributor The Grimace
Region Cincinnati, OH
Notes We used to say this at Grace Lutheran Elementary school in the late 70s. I had only ever heard the first two lines of it until my friend Clint, who grew up in Hillsboro, Ohio, told me of two other lines he knew. The complete version appears below.
Rating Gross

Milk milk lemonade
'Round the corner fudge is made
In the bathroom pull the chain
Down goes chocolate choo choo train.

Contributor Heidi Stephens
Region Cincinnati, OH
Notes An alternative to the bathroom/choo choo train couplet.
Rating More gross

Milk milk lemonade
'Round the corner fudge is made
Put your finger in the hole
Now you have a Tootsie Roll.

Contributor Michael Tanigawa
Notes Another alternate ending.
Rating More gross

Milk milk lemonade
'Round the corner fudge is made
Press the button, pull the chain
Down goes [alternatively "Out comes"] chocolate choo-choo train